The Physical Count process is essential to keeping an accurate inventory.
The Physical Count process is essential to keeping an accurate inventory.
These tips will help you address any questions customers may have about their tickets.
These two reports can be used in situations where a price was changed when selling an item.
Simplify your item records and improve your system’s performance by purging inactive data.
Use this feature in Counterpoint to set prices based on minimum and target margins.
Payroc is a registered Independent Sales Organization (ISO) of Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Cincinnati, OH., Peoples Trust Company, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA., and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Canadian Branch, Toronto, ON, Canada. Payroc is a registered Encryption Support Organization (ESO), Payment Facilitator (PF), Third-Party Servicer (TPSV), Merchant Service Provider (MSP), and a Third Party Agent (TPA) of Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Cincinnati, OH.
Thank you for being a valued part of i3 Point of Sale. i3 Point of Sale is now a proud part of Payroc. You may notice some changes but our commitment to serve you remains steadfast. If you need any assistance please connect with a member of the Payroc team and we are happy to assist you: