Using a Stylus at POS
Stylus Pens are a great Tool for Touch Screen Devices. They can be more precise than the tip of a Finger and more Sanitary.
Stylus Pens are a great Tool for Touch Screen Devices. They can be more precise than the tip of a Finger and more Sanitary.
Why you should use Contract Pricing and how it differs from promotional pricing and special pricing.
The End of Day report is critical to understanding a day’s worth of business for most retailers.
Contract Pricing can be used to set up pricing rules for items or groups of items that you offer to certain customers at a discounted rate.
Teamviewer is the application that i3 Verticals uses to support most of our clients, and a few years ago, we used Teamviewer version 6 to provide remote support.
For many merchants, items can be purchased and even sold in units other than individual pieces.
Are you still using Windows 7? Are you tired of getting those pesky alerts from Microsoft about upgrading? Well…you’re not alone.
Counterpoint has a hugely powerful purchasing process and with a little data entry, you can save yourself tons of time (and math)!
There are specific tasks that need to be completed at the end of the fiscal year. Your fiscal year may or may not match your calendar year. Only complete these tasks at the end of your fiscal year.
Payroc is a registered Independent Sales Organization (ISO) of Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Cincinnati, OH., Peoples Trust Company, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA., and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Canadian Branch, Toronto, ON, Canada. Payroc is a registered Encryption Support Organization (ESO), Payment Facilitator (PF), Third-Party Servicer (TPSV), Merchant Service Provider (MSP), and a Third Party Agent (TPA) of Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Cincinnati, OH.
Thank you for being a valued part of i3 Point of Sale. i3 Point of Sale is now a proud part of Payroc. You may notice some changes but our commitment to serve you remains steadfast. If you need any assistance please connect with a member of the Payroc team and we are happy to assist you: