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Limited Time Offer

Hardware failures can cost your business time and money. Our recommendation is to always keep a backup station that can be used as a quick swap to replace the down-register. We suggest the same for other critical devices, like your credit card payment terminals.

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Customer Adjustments

Counterpoint supports the ability to adjust a customer’s balance, through debit and credit memos. A debit memo increases a customer’s balance (the amount owed to the business), and a credit memo decreases a customer’s balance.

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Purchasing Adjustments

From time to time, you might make errors when inputting costs during receiving. Counterpoint’s Purchase Adjustments functionality can help you correct those costs.

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Tips and Tricks for Physical Count

The New Year has begun, and for a lot of businesses, that means it’s time for a Physical Count. Every year, we help a lot of our clients with issues that arise during the Physical Count process.

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